Disabled people experience high levels of food poverty
On 9 February, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee heard evidence on problems relating to accessing food.
Those giving evidence to the Committee highlighted that inadequate benefit levels was the underlying cause of much food insecurity.
Emma Revie from the Trussell Trust said that their data showed that 62% of working age adults using food banks were disabled people.
Anna Taylor from the Food Foundation said that levels of food insecurity were 12% higher for households with a disabled person, whereas pre-pandemic the difference had been 6%.
Fazilet Hadi, DR UK Head of Policy underlined the fact that disabled people on legacy benefits had not received the £20 per week uplift. She said that benefit levels no longer provided a safety net, as they didn’t cover basics such as housing, heating, food and digital inclusion.
Fazilet also referred to the unaffordability of online delivery charges and minimum basket spends and the hostile environment being faced by disabled people in regard to face mask exemptions.