Benefits Training
Our partners CPAG offer a series of courses for professionals working in advice or advocacy, who need to know more about the benefits system.
CPAG benefits training courses are ideal for advice workers, support workers, advocates, volunteer advisers and anyone else supporting clients with welfare benefits issues.
Course are run on Zoom, usually in two parts over consecutive mornings, 10.00 am - 1.00 pm. They are practical and interactive, delivered through a combination of trainer presentation, exercises, case studies and group discussion. Here is a selected list with examples for each level of experience, running until the end of March 2025.
Basic level
Benefits for Non-Benefit Advisers, 28 - 29 November
Introductory level
Universal Credit - One Day Introduction, 6 December
Introduction to Welfare Benefits, 20 - 22 January
Benefits Overview, 20 - 21 March
Standard level
Challenging Work Capability Assessment (WCA) Decisions, 24 - 25 February
Challenging Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Decisions, 10 - 11 March
Experienced level
Appeals to the Upper Tribunal, 9 - 10 December
The CPAG website has a full list of courses and details of how to book
"Independent Lives would like to say a huge thank you for being part of such a great day on Wednesday. We have had some great feedback from attendees so far, and the workshops were pitched just right."
"Tutor was very good and gave us ample time to ask questions as we went along."