Fundraise for us
Are you eager to make a difference?
Ready to make a change for disabled people across the UK?
Run the London Marathon
We are devoted to campaigning to strengthen and protect disabled people’s rights and you can help us to raise money to support the work we do. The money that you raise goes straight back into the work the charity does in supporting some of the most disadvantaged people in society. We receive no government funding for our core work so the money raised really does make a difference!
Join #teamDRUK and apply to run the London Marathon! By joining us you will receive:
- DR UK running vest
- Six months subscription to Runner’s World magazine
- Regular check-ins for general encouragement and fundraising tips
- E-news and other DR UK updates
- Support with fundraising activities e.g. flyers about our work, donation collection boxes
- Linked via email to other DR UK runners - where people wish this
Any Questions? Contact Bex Clarkson via email rebecca.clarkson@disabilityrightsuk.org
You can support our work in lots of other ways
Fundraising can be anything from a sponsored swim to holding a bake sale. We will support you from the planning stages to the event itself! Here are a few examples of our past fundraisers:
Katie ran the 2019 London Marathon and raised £2,609
George cycled 250 miles in 15 hours and raised £2,255
Ikeni swam Lake Coniston and raised £1,823
Students from Cambourne College completed a sponsored walk and raised £140
Here are a few other ideas:
Quiz Night at the local pub
Skydive (a tick off the bucket list)
Office bake sale- Ready, Set, BAKE
Fancy Dress Friday for your school or college