Housing links
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Care and Repair - A charity set up to improve the housing and living conditions of older people and disabled people.
disabilities forum
Gives advice, assistance and representation in matters concerning Housing, Benefits, Employment, Education, Training, Equipment Grants, Travel and Leisure.
elderly accommodation counsel
A national charity that aims to help older people make informed choices about meeting their housing and care needs.
An independent, free service providing information and advice about care and housing for older people and their carers.
The national co-ordinating body for Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs).
homeless link
National membership charity for organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England.
housing ombudsman service
This independent organisation can take up complaints from residents of housing provided by social landlords, including those who have taken over properties from local authorities, and a number of other organisations that have joined HOS.
ministry of housing, communities and local government
Has information on housing and disabled facilities grants.
national housing federation
The NHF represents and can provide information on housing associations and other independent social landlords and affordable housing providers in England. It has around 1,200 members who are responsible for 2.5 million homes.
Housing advice covering the entire UK. Has housing helplines and local advice centres.
Their aim is to help you make an informed decision to make sure you get the right stairlift for your requirements.
veterans scotland
Provides help with housing to ex-service people in Scotland.