Policy priorities 2020 - 2023

DR UK’s policy positions state the progress we want and expect to see on major policy areas.

They underpin our work & can be used by all our members and allies to press for change nationally, regionally and locally. 

DR UK Policy Priorities 2020 to 2023

Below are Disability Rights UK policy priorities for the strategic period 2020 to 2023.

Ensuring benefits meet the additional costs of disability

2020 Priority: To advocate for improvements to benefit levels and processes.

The current system is causing financial hardship for millions of disabled people.  We will work with partners, in particular The Disability Benefits Consortium, to make the case for benefit levels being increased, and improved criteria and decision-making processes. We will take opportunities presented by the coronavirus crisis, particularly the uprating of Universal Credit, to argue for higher benefit levels for disabled people and improvements to processes.

Ensuring that health and social care services enable disabled people to live with choice and control
2020 Priority: To influence the future of social care

Tens of thousands of disabled people are receiving poor support from health and social care and this is massively limiting the lives we lead. The coronavirus crisis has led to millions of people waiting for urgent health care and put a spotlight on inadequate levels of social care. Many voices are now calling for a new personalised and enabling approach to social care, where people are supported to lead full lives within the community and not forced to live in large residential settings. The government is developing plans for social care and DR UK will  join with others to call for social care  support, which in addition to meeting our basic human needs, enables us to lead  rich and socially connected lives.  

Influencing government action on tackling inequality

2020 Priority:  To develop an Agenda for Change, that influences the Government’s Disability Strategy

In 2021 the government will launch a Disability Strategy.  We will engage disabled people in determining what changes are required to create an inclusive society.  We will work closely with the government’s Disability Unit, to ensure that the voices of disabled people are heard and that our concerns are addressed by the Strategy.

Supporting people into work

2020 Priority: to call for action to support young Disabled People into education, training and work 

The effects of the coronavirus crisis will lead to high unemployment for disabled young people starting out in life. We will work through our DFE funded project and with partners, to influence government and employers to take action to support disabled young people move towards employment.

Enabling more people to take up leadership roles

2020 Priority: To secure a government fund to support disabled people seeking public office

We will make the case for permanent arrangements, to provide support and reasonable adjustments for disabled candidates seeking public office.

Ensuring all digital technology is inclusive and alternative options are available

2020 Priority: To call for the accessibility of digital communication

We need to move away from the division between technology and assistive technology to a future where all technology is inclusive.  We also need to ensure that alternative options are provided.  During the coronavirus crisis the use of technology has accelerated across a range of areas including, health, benefits, judicial, education and work. Many disabled people have found themselves struggling to engage with this new environment, for affordability and or accessibility reasons.

Ensuring inclusive planning and Transport

2020 Priority: To influence the redesign of streets to ensure accessibility

Following the coronavirus crisis and the need to socially distance, plans are being made to redesign town and city centres. There are proposals to widen pavements, increase cycle lanes and stop cars. These changes have massive implications for the freedom of movement of disabled people. The banning of cars from city and town centres will bar access for many disabled people. The use of cycle lanes for other self-powered vehicles needs to be explicitly recognised.

In terms of public transport, it is vital that stations are made accessible and that disabled people receive passenger assistance across rail and bus networks.

In relation to new homes, it is important that accessibility standards are embedded for all new build.

On-going Policy Work

  • The policy priorities will harness organisational capacity to influence change, however, there will be other policy activities, which remain important. We will remain connected to policy work to improve the accessibility of housing, health and transport, and to remove barriers to employment.  This work will involve engaging with partners and key organisations to drive positive change.
  • We will also continue to identify policy improvements which emerge from our work with young disabled people in further or higher education, training or apprenticeships.