Prescription Charges Coalition petition smashes target: Help with the final push

Tue,29 May 2018
News Equality & Rights

The Prescription Charges Coalition has smashed its 20,000 target and are now aiming to reach 25,000 signatures on their petition!

Thousands of people tell the Prescription Charges Coalition (PCC) about the impact that prescription charges are having on their lives.

The Coalition is calling on the Government to urgently reform the prescription exemption criteria in England, and make prescriptions free for people living with long term conditions.

Disability Rights UK is a member of the Coalition.

Please help with the final push and sign the petition to scrap prescription charges for people with long-term conditions

The petition will be handed in at number 10 Downing Street on Tuesday 5 June.

Unfair Prescription Charges Thunderclap

If you have already signed the petition, please make sure to sign up to the Thunderclap and share it with your networks. Thunderclap is an app which allows you to schedule a social media post for a certain time- we are hoping to get as many people as possible to sign up so that our birthday message to the medical exemption list will be shared on Sunday 10th June. Find out more and sign up here: Thunderclap

​Sign up to the PCC mailing list if you'd like to get involved with the campaign.

Prescription Charges Coalition

Members of the Prescription Charges Coalition